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You have found the site of award-winning picture book author Cece Meng. Welcome! My sixth picture book World Pizza was released on June 6, 2017! It's about world peace, but also about pizza. It's a delicious blend of seriousness and silliness. 

 Another recent release is my book Always Remember. It's about legacy. It was difficult writing about the death of a loved one, but this is a topic that is important to people of all ages, especially young children. So, I decided to be brave and tackle death head on. My goal was to make the story both comforting and beautiful. How can death be beautiful? By honoring life. Because death is not really about being gone, but is about what each life leaves behind. We all leave an imprint on this earth in the lessons we have taught and in the lives we have touched. I hope this book touches you and your child, giving you comfort and helping you talk about the beautiful memories you have of your loved ones.

This book is dedicated to my dad.


I've written World Pizza, Always Remember, Tough Chicks, I Will Not Read This Book, The Wonderful Thing About Hiccups, and Bedtime is Canceled. I usually write humor. I'm a super funny girl. At least that's what I think, and I remind my children of it every day.


